Monday, May 30, 2011

Norwich and Altadena

the coach ride to norwich included 30 years of development
and cacti and streams only found in the desert
ragtop pimp mobiles converge on the corner
parties of youngsters
i'm smaller than they are

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Finishing books.

Finished Chabon's "The Yiddish Policemen's Union." I didn't realize it won the Hugo in 2008. His novel is one type of science fiction I like - an alternate reality that has nothing to do with spaceships, skewed hard science, or fantasies of elves and dragons. It brought me back to "Man in the High Castle" by P.K.Dick. I've now read two of Chabon's novels - this and Kavalier & Clay. I don't know if I'll explore more of his writings, but these two novels brought me back to reading larger books. I'm glad they were worth the read.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dreams with massive crowds.
Handball tournament.
I-Robot factory and prayer meeting.
Killer lower wall shot.