Sunday, September 21, 2014

The books I read in 2013 (not counting work stuff)

2013 book list:
 A geography of secrets - Frederick Reuss.
A renaissance globemaker's toolbox : Johannes Schöner and the revolution of modern science, 1475-1550 - John W. Hessler.
Bad Monkey - Carl Hiaasen
Be here now, remember - Ram Dass
Blonde faith - Walter Mosley.
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
Coltrane : the story of a sound - Ben Ratliff.
Complicity - Iain Banks.
Consider Phlebas - Iain M. Banks.
High price : a neuroscientist's journey of self-discovery that challenges everything you know about drugs and society - Carl Hart.
I got a name : the Jim Croce story - Ingrid Croce & Jimmy Rock.
Inversions - Iain M. Banks.
Jazz - A history of America’s Music
Jimi Hendrix : a brother's story - Leon Hendrix with Adam Mitchell.
Light and shade : conversations with Jimmy Page - Brad Tolinski.
Little green : an Easy Rawlins mystery - Walter Mosley.
Metallica death. Volume 1 - Paul Brannigan & Ian Winwood.
Mingus speaks - [interviews by] John F Goodman ; with photos by Sy Johnson.
Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour bookstore - Robin Sloan.
My beloved world - Sonia Sotomayor.
Oryx and Crake : a novel-Margaret Atwood.
Telegraph Avenue : a novel - Michael Chabon.
The business : a novel - Iain Banks.
The Dude and the Zen master - Jeff Bridges & Bernie Glassman.
The handmaid's tale - Margaret Atwood.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel - Neil Gaiman
The shadow factory : the ultra-secret NSA from 9-11 to the eavesdropping on America - James Bamford.
The wasp factory - Iain Banks.
The sax and brass book - Brian Priestly
The year of the flood : a novel - Margaret Atwood
Things fall apart- Chinua Achebe
Transition - Iain M. Banks.
When Buddhists attack : the curious relationship between Zen and the martial arts - by Jeffrey K.Mann.
When I left home : my story -- Buddy Guy with David Ritz.