Saturday, June 18, 2022

Transition Time

I retired at the end of 2021.  It was a good decision.  The organization, the job, the mission and the people were great, but the time was right.  

The start of 2022 included packing to move back to Hawaii, moving from our Fairfax rental back to Gaithersburg and my move back to Oahu.  I also spent a couple weeks in Southern California visiting family and friends. 

I arrived on Oahu on March 29th.  I timed it so I left the terminal, took a taxi and went directly to pick up my truck.  It was originally purchased in Kailua….and it was going home.  So about 1 hour after landing I was driving on King Street in downtown Honolulu.  Mostly adjusting to the slower speed limit. An hour later I was having a pint of Guinness at Elk's Lodge 616, the treat I promised myself upon retirement. 

I will continue with this blog, to include my activities since moving back.  I have been busy, but the days do get past me.